Turn Your Ideas Into Inventory

Ideas to InventoryKiwi Avenue can help you with your fundraising, merchandising & creating additional revenue streams for your business, hobby or cause.How do you create merchandise with your logo?  How do you turn your blog into a book?  How do you raise money...

5 Things to try this month

Graphic design and small business go hand-in-hand. From logo creation to branding to product tags to storefront windows to your website to social media, graphic design and branding play a significant role in the success of your small business.  Like most small...

How to Say “No” to Clients

3 Ways to Turn Your Other Cheek and Say NO to Clients  At a glance, the word NO is a Pandora’s box of negativity. A two-letter word that conjures quite a number of feelings in a nutshell – mostly feelings that doesn’t exactly make us jump for joy, such as...

Clever Ways To Brand Your Dating Profile

Online dating is gaining in popularity and quickly becoming the norm. It’s an awesome way for busy men and women to connect and get to know each other before setting up that all-important first date. If you’re a small business owner, it becomes even more important to...

5 Creative Ways To Brand Your Workspace

It’s an awesome feeling when you look at your social media profiles, online presence, and promo materials and they’re emblazoned with your branding and logo. You’ve worked hard to get your branding just right, and even harder to inspire your target market to...